Monday, August 24, 2009

The Best Day Ever

I'm pretty sure I have another post entitled, "The Best Day Ever", but I am blessed with so many of them...what the hell - another Best Day Ever!!!!

We have been witnessing more "brain explosion" here lately. This is how I like to refer to Ronan's super learning periods, in which he acquires a huge amount of comprehension in a short span of time.

He's always advanced like this. I remember two straight years of fervently testing various methods of teaching him how to use the computer mouse (something he desperately wanted to do) and really having no success at all.

Then, one best day, I looked over at him at the computer table. There he was pointing and clicking like he had been doing it as a career his entire life.

It clicked.

And with Ronan, sometimes you can try to help for years, and with every method you can think of, read or learn about, but still...when it clicks, it clicks.

Sometimes, it's a certain word that turns the click to his understanding, and sometimes it's just time. Whatever the reason, when a skill that you have been trying so hard to get him to comprehend clicks, it's just the best day ever.

And not because I want him to be more "normal" or "typical", but because I know he gets such relief and joy from being able to express his thoughts and feelings to others.

How do I know this?

Well, this is what made the best day ever!

Recently, Ro has been passionate about the Universe. Planets, stars, galaxies, moons...all of it. Did you know about the moon called Callisto? Well, Ro will tell you 10 details about it in 10 seconds!

Anyway, being such an artiste, he decided that he wanted to draw pictures of planets, then scan them, and THEN iron them onto t-shirts for himself and The Loudon to wear. Needless to say, they are awesome, as are all of his creations.

We did a Jupiter shirt for him last week. He was so in love with it, he could barely contain himself - this is something I love so much about Ronan. It's just so fun to watch him in his excitement over something that others might find so insignificant.


Mom: I love it, Ro!!! You did a great job drawing it!

Ronan: (pausing...wheels visibly turning) MOM!!!!!! (quietly incredulous and sighing with relief)...I can TALK to you now, Mom. I can tell you about my feelings. I can tell you how I love Jupiter so much!!!!

Mom: ...she isn't speaking, because she's crying.

I'm so glad that makes you so happy, Ronan James.